Lynn H. Wyvill

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Writer's Exercise

I love sitting in my beautiful office to read and write. The problem is that I sit too much. So once again, I have started the new year with the intention of less sitting and more moving more. Of course, I started last year with the same idea, but I wasn’t very successful. But this year will be different!

I put a set of small weights in my writing room.  My hope is that this will remind and encourage me to get up every hour or so and take a moving break. I’d be taking a break from whatever I’m doing anyway so I figure why not use it to move rather than raid the kitchen for something to eat. 

I’ve also been inspired by the people I see walking their dogs several times a day. I don’t have a dog, but I thought why not go for a brief walk around the block just to get some fresh air. It does wonders for helping me come up with new ideas. 

The thing I like about these two easy ways to move more is that there is no need to change into workout clothes, set aside a big chunk of time or travel to a gym to do any of this.  

I’ve only been doing this for a few days, but I’ve got energy, especially in the late afternoon that I’ve rarely had before. 

This is an experiment. I’m curious to see if this lasts longer than a few days.

How about you? How do you work moving more into your day?

Lynn H. Wyvill grew up in Washington DC where her favorite activity was sitting under a Japanese red maple tree, watching clouds create pictures in the sky. As a writer, she finds peace and inspiration when hiking in the woods, strolling on sandy beaches, and observing nature’s show in her backyard. Those experiences are captured in her first book, Nature’s Quiet Wisdom. Before writing books, Lynn worked as a radio/TV reporter and writer for the US Department of Agriculture and owned a consulting business that trained professionals on the creation and delivery of effective presentations. She is a lifelong learner, avid reader, small town explorer, and dedicated theater attendee who lives in beautiful Virginia with her husband.