Lynn H. Wyvill

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Many, Many Drafts

Many, many drafts on the road to publication

Nature’s Quiet Wisdom is finally done!!!  It’s published and available as a paperback and ebook on Amazon.  I waited a long time for this day and now that it is here, it still feels a bit strange to say the book is done.

It was a long journey.  I thought the book would be ready for publication in 2012.  Other matters that could not be postponed came up and so the book was mostly set aside.  Then I thought I’d be done in 2017. 
Then definitely in 2018.  I had no idea that getting this book ready for publication would take so long!

First, there were many drafts.  See the picture above.

Then, there were final edits, proofing, selecting a cover, deciding on fonts and point size, designing a website, head shots, writing the back cover material, social media decisions, the blog, proof copies and then
finally the book.  I’ve condensed this, but this part of the road to publication took many months.  I was fortunate that I had a lot of help or it would have taken longer!

When I started writing in 2008, I never planned to write a book. I just wanted to write. But one day I realized I had written a lot about nature, and I thought that it would be a great experience to put it all together in a book. It was very challenging, but very exciting, too.  I learned a lot. 

I hope you enjoy my first book.   

Lynn H. Wyvill grew up in Washington DC where her favorite activity was sitting under a Japanese red maple tree, watching clouds create pictures in the sky. As a writer, she finds peace and inspiration when hiking in the woods, strolling on sandy beaches, and observing nature’s show in her backyard. Those experiences are captured in her first book, Nature’s Quiet Wisdom. Before writing books, Lynn worked as a radio/TV reporter and writer for the US Department of Agriculture and owned a consulting business that trained professionals on the creation and delivery of effective presentations. She is a lifelong learner, avid reader, small town explorer, and dedicated theater attendee who lives in beautiful Virginia with her husband.